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The Absurdity of California’s Proposed Body Armor Ban

January 31, 2023

As of this month, the California State Assembly is considering a body armor ban. Here’s a full mag of intellectual ammunition on the matter. 

Assembly Bill 92 would prohibit the sale or transfer of all types of body armor. As currently written it does not limit the possession of armor purchased before the ban is enacted. The first vote on the bill could come as soon as February 5th.

“Simply put, the widespread availability of military-grade body armor helps mass shooters and criminals kill more people,” Democrat Assemblyman Damon Connolly said when he introduced the bill.

Here’s the problem with that.

Owning Body Armor: A God-Given Right, Protected by the 2nd Amendment, that Strengthens Free Men

As noted in the past, pushing a body armor ban to ‘reduce crime’ is delusional. It has been demonstrated ad nauseam that these laws only affect the law-abiding. Criminals will continue to be criminals. It’s already illegal in California, and everywhere else in the U.S., to shoot people. It’s laughable to claim that a law banning armor will keep violent criminals from acquiring or wearing it if they so choose.

But, more importantly: Body armor is chiefly a Tool of Liberty. While it does help some criminals, it is even more essential to helping Free Men protect themselves and others. And not just from individual criminals- it helps resist evil government as well. And an overpowering government is much more dangerous than one shooter. Free Men must be prepared. 

Body armor bans are unjust, not because body armor is a harmless piece of technology, but because strengthening civilians is exactly the purpose of the invention; and civilians have a God-given right to keep and bear arms.

California legislators are afraid of that. They should be. A hesitant government makes for bold liberty. 

California’s direct attack on your Second Amendment rights, which clearly cover both offensive and defensive equipment, is nothing more than a political band-aid, allowing power-grabbing politicians to claim they’re taking action.

Body Armor Bans: A Petty Dictator Power-Grab 

It’s clear that body armor bans influence innocent civilians far more than criminals. But affecting criminals is not the priority. Body armor itself is not the priority. Here is one insight by Pew, a large policy think tank, about the nature of body armor bans:

"Even among researchers who study gun violence, there’s some doubt that restrictions on body armor sales will make shootings less deadly or less frequent. Instead, Democratic lawmakers have sometimes described the bans as a kind of policy fallback: Given the deadlocked politics of gun control, they’ve said, regulating body armor is one rare area of possible bipartisan consensus." (emphasis ours)

Democrat policymakers push body armor bans to get more concessions from weak-willed & inconsistent Republican lawmakers. They don’t care about body armor that much at all except that they love to weaken citizens. Their ultimate goal is to take guns as well.

Note that “bipartisan consensus” is mentioned in the quote above as if it were a good in itself. Bipartisan consensus just means that one side is conceding something they don’t want. Normally it’s the Republicans.

What can you do?

The Tool of Liberty that is the voting box is a powerful one to politicians. Individuals contacting their local representatives have turned votes the opposite way many times before. 

Express your demand that your local Assemblyman oppose AB 92. More info on that below.

You can also take action to secure body armor now, since the law does not ban the ownership or usage of body armor in self-defense. We’re offering the California Liberty Bundle and other packages with expedited shipping to California residents on our main page for the California Ban:

If you need to contact your California Representatives and don’t know who they are, you can find out via Find Your Representative: 

Your message can be as simple as “Please vote NO on AB 92.”

Finally, you can get more information on AB 92 here:

Pray that AB 92 would be voted down. Trust God, and keep your powder dry.
