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Are You Prepared?

It’s a normal day. Just one chore looms large on the task list- that it’s time to get a new suit. Your longtime wingman’s getting married next Saturday, and you’re the best man. You want to look your best. 

The mall has a decent selection of suits, so that’s where you find yourself today; it’s certainly not what it used to be, but it’s still a good place to get a bunch of errands done at once. You just finished lunch at the food court and your wife is looking at new phone cases. 

Suddenly she realizes her phone is in her purse, which she left in the car, and she asks you to go get it for her. You tell her you’ll be right back.

When it comes to little problems like this, you’ve learned that things typically resolve themselves with little effort. So you’re happy to get her purse for her- after all, happy wife, happy life! It’s a normal day.

But then you hear something strange- a supersonic crack! sound coming from inside the mall. The shots ring out. Panic fills the food court. You’re at the car. And now nothing is normal.

And this problem won’t resolve itself.

Everyone inside the food court is hoping to get away safely and wait for security or cops to solve the problem… but not you. Your rifle’s in the trunk and your Freeman Armor Loadout is right next to it. Providence has called you to action.

Frankly, the significance of these Tools of Liberty seemed doubtful at first. But it wasn’t a hassle to keep them there, and now they’re invaluable.

You’ve long learned that readiness seems unimportant until readiness turns to action. And now it has.

The rifle is ready. The Freeman is too. Just a few seconds to put it on. Coverage for your vitals so you’re sure that, unless the dingbat shooting up the mall manages to hit you between the eyes, you’re going to be able to take his hits and survive it.

It’s time to enter the combat zone. You can feel the pressure. The seconds seem like minutes.

Surely someone had called the police, but they haven’t arrived. There is no time to lose.


Readiness feels unnecessary until it’s invaluable. 

On the day of the shooting in Uvalde last year, off-duty Border Control agent Jacob Albarado was getting a haircut when he received word that his daughter’s school had an active shooter. He asked the barber if he had a gun he could borrow and rushed off to help children and teachers escape to safety, shotgun in tow.

Afterward, he said that he wished he could have been more prepared. 

"I didn't have my gear, and so it wouldn't have been a smart decision for me to get into the building," he said. "I didn't have my vest. A shotgun's not a good enough defense."

This is why it’s imperative to have offensive and defensive Tools of Liberty at your disposal. We must be ready when God’s providence calls us to action.

What Albarado needed was a reliable and transportable armor vest- our Freeman was built to be that vest. 

The Freeman Loadout is light, versatile, and easy to store as part of your emergency kit. Fitted with extremely durable steel plates, the Freeman is impervious to heat and can be stored in any climate for years- perfect for a car loadout.

As of February 2023, the Carrier and Two Plates cost just $114.99 on our promotions page. You can also add on a Triple Rifle Mag Pouch for just $18.99.

Be ready for anything by being prepared for everything.
